The year is 1818 and you and your family are infamous pirates that plunder the Great Lakes. News reaches you of a Pyrate Fest that is half a days journey to the east. You hear how it is an event filled with family fun activities and other fellow pirates.
You raise the sails and set course immediately for Put-in-Bay! Upon arrival you raise the Pirate Flag in DeRivera Park and walk the streets to experience all that is Pyrate Fest.
To your surprise there are magicians, fire jugglers, and educational tales that immediately capture the children’s attention. You and the misses grab a drink and share tales of your Great Lake excursions with other fellow Pirates.
After 2 days of fun events, great food and drink, and very convincing magic tricks you decide to join the annual 5K to get that pirate booty back in shape! As you and your family set sail you can’t wait for next years festival.
Join the family fun of Pyrate Fest as pirates invade the Put-in-Bay harbor from June 21-23! Dress in your best pirate costume and join the island invasion! In addition, You could win the pirate costume contest. There is plenty to do this weekend from history re-enactments with cannon fire to pirate parades!
There are plenty of free educational activities for the kids and on Sunday you can end the weekend with the annual 5K run/walk.
It all starts on Friday with the hoisting of the Pirate Flag in DeRivera Park and subsequently the search for treasure! The event starts at 10:00 am on Friday through Sunday at 6:00 pm so make reservations for hotels and lodging now to ensure you don’t miss out on the Put-in-Bay Pyrate Fest activities.
4:30pm – Put-in-Bay Pirate Flag Raising and Opening Cannons! Pirate Stage in Downtown DeRivera Park & Harbor.
5:00pm – Pirate Pub Crawl. Starts at Red Moon (21 and over only).
10am to 5pm – Pirate Camp and Marketplace open. East end of Downtown DeRivera Park.
10am to 1pm – Costume Contest Registration for both the adult and kids costume contests. Pirate Market Place Information Table.
10:30am – Enlisted 1812 Soldiers Black Powder Demonstration. Cannon Firing Area.
11am to 2pm – Captain Jack Sparrow and His Crew host kid’s activities. Stage and Surrounding Park Area.
11am to 4pm – Meet a real mermaid! Pirate Camp.
11am to 5pm – Faire Wynds Circus. Pirate Camp.
11am to 5pm – Black Powder Demonstrations with Cannon Master Bob Gilmore. Center of Downtown DeRivera Park Cannon Firing Area.
2pm – Kids Pirate Costume Contest. Immediately following the Walk Like A Pirate Parade! Downtown DeRivera Park Stage.
3pm – Pirate of the Year Adult Costume Contest. Immediately following the Kids Costume Contest on the Downtown DeRivera Park Stage.
4pm – Captain Jack Sparrows Treasure Hunt! Meet in DeRivera Park Picnic Area.
4:30pm – Enlisted 1812 Soldiers Black Powder Demonstration. Cannon Firing Area.
6pm – Adult Buccaneer Bash at Reel Bar. Costume Contest (registration starts at 5:30), Music, Drink Specials and more for the 21 and over crowd.
8am to 9am – Stein Hospice Pirate 5K Fun Run Check In. Racers are to check in with race officials at the start line.
9:30am – Stein Hospice Pirate 5K Fun Run Starts! Catawba Ave Downtown Put-in-Bay.
10am to 5pm – Pirate Camp and Marketplace open. East end of Downtown DeRivera Park.
11am to 2pm – Captain Jack Sparrow and His Crew host kid’s activities. Stage and Surrounding Park Area.
11am to 4pm – Meet a real mermaid! Mermaid Tami will be available for photos. Pirate Camp.
11am to 5pm – Faire Wynds Circus. Pirate Camp.
11am to 5pm – Black Powder Demonstrations with Cannon Master Bob Gilmore. Center of Downtown DeRivera Park.
2pm – Enlisted 1812 Soldiers Black Powder Demonstration. Cannon Firing Area.
3pm – Captain Jack Sparrows Treasure Hunt! Meet at the Stage area in DeRivera Park.
3:30pm – Antique Car Parade. Downtown.
Joshua L.
“Pyrate Fest has become a Family Tradition! If you have kids, we highly recommend this family fun time!”
Kirsten B.
“We love Pyrate Fest!! One of the best events of the summer!!!! Thank you again for an amazing weekend!! And as my kids would say, Arrrrr! Matey!!!!”
Tami B.
“Wonderful Vendor and so many things to do! Even though it rained, there was still a great turnout! The Pirate Captain and all the pirates were amazing and they had Mermaids this year!! Can’t wait till next year!”