Island Green Week on Put-in-Bay and Middle Bass Islands this summer will make you remember what you loved most about the islands as a kid – water, rocks, cliffs, caves, kayaking, meteor showers, moss, moonlit nights, beach bonfires, cozy camping, swimming, beach combing, cottaging with your family, ferry rides, staying the night at the lake and nature.
Let’s do it all over again during Island Green Week, the first full week of August, on Middle Bass Island and Put-in-Bay in Lake Erie, Ohio. Three of the biggest organizations and proponents of nature on the Erie Isles have teamed together to bring you some great activities during this week-long event.
Put-in-Bay has plenty of lodging for those who wish to stay overnight and enjoy more of their island time. Find a Put-in-Bay hotel room, or maybe a rental home or condo to spend the night.
What is Island Green Week?
Experience a taste of the unique wine culture, an island-style pig roast, kayaking a Great Lake, and a dedication of the newest lakefront nature preserve on Put-in-Bay. See wildlife, flora and fauna. Sail on a meteor shower cruise, and by special invitation explore, tour and hike island places people would not normally see. Island Green Week includes activities for adults, families and children. Special pricing and coupons for events, restaurants, transportation and entrance fees will be available for Green Week participants.
Some of the suggestions to participate in Green Week if you can’t make it to the island include: turning off lights when leaving a room, recycling cans and plastic bottles, and carpooling to cut emissions.
Green Week is all about getting visitors and locals excited with helping the environment. Sustainability Education (SE) is an integrative teaching model that connects student knowledge of ecological, economic, and social systems with real-world applied learning strategies. SE develops the 21st century skills, vision, and intellectual perspective essential to build a sustainable future rooted in knowledge of the past and attentive to the needs of the present.